Provide Exceptional Experiences

Exceptional Experience

Provide a transformational experience for our students by cultivating a culture of engagement and student success.


We must create and reimagine campus spaces and programming through a campus-wide focus to attract, engage, retain and graduate our students.

  • Student Transformation
    Residential Learning Communities

    Enhance the on-campus experience by creating residential living communities that provide students the opportunity to engage with small affinity groups.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Pilot program will launch this fall with a focus on First Generation Students, marketing materials are being collected
    • Other potential programs include leadership, service and program-based opportunities

    Year 2 Highlights

    • First Generation Students Program began and a new community gathering space is being established in Conrad Hall that will allow intellectual conversation, community building and more.
    • Additional programs have been identified, including Outdoor Adventures and School Spirit, and one will launch each year for the next two years.
    • The Residential Life webpage has been updated to include information regarding the RLCs 
    Cultural Event Series

    Establish the LR Cultural Event Series that encompasses all performances, guest speakers, exhibitions and showcase events for LR.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Research of best practices along with a self-audit of programming has been completed and a recommendation for ticketing options, programming opportunities and needs will be presented


  • Retention Revenue
    Student Focus Organizational Structure

    Revise LR organizational structure to ensure that we prioritize student learning and experiences throughout our operations.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Office of Student Success & Retention now reports directly to the provost and has physically moved to the Daniel Rhyne Building
    • Established The Graduate School to ensure that recruitment, programming and academic integrity seamlessly integrated with one another
    Comprehensive Early Intervention

    Establish a comprehensive early-intervention program utilizing key metrics to improve retention and completion rates.

    Year 1 Highlight

    • Established a care team to proactively identify and engage students in times of challenge or crisis
  • Focus on Retention
    Transformation of First-Year Experiences

    Transition FYE utilizing best practice models that focus on acculturation and student learning experiences to enhance retention and academic success.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Completed an institutional review and comparison of key data and FYE practices
    • Presented key goals and finding to the campus to gather feedback in preparation of a report to be presented to the appropriate committee
    Engaged Student Programming

    Rethink and enhance student programming to increase opportunities for student engagement.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Expanded programming throughout campus with a focus on incorporating students desires with appropriate and adequate marketing
    • Areas are working together to provide programming and to best utilize resources
  • Spaces that Attract & Engage
    Campus Master Plan

    Develop an updated master plan to guide new construction and renovation projects.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • A comprehensive Master Plan will be presented to the BOT in March
    • Focus of the plan is not just on new and renovated buildings, but also space utilization

    Year 2 Highlights - Complete

    A comprehensive master plan was created and accepted. This plan focuses on creating new spaces, renovating spaces, and understanding how space is used.

    Modernized Living Spaces

    Modernize our campus housing options to provide a transformative experience that attracts students.

    Year 1 Highlights

    • Invested in a new dining and lounge area for all students with a focus on the commuter population
    • Established lighting throughout the exterior of campus to ensure a safe atmosphere

News & Events

Tishara Sneed stands next to her art on exhibit, a woven design with traditional masks

Appearing in “The Art of Profession” exhibition, the four students shared work inspired by nature, street art and Indigenous cultures.

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Students walking along campus sidewalk with LR red banners on light posts

An update from the Presidential Search Committee on the status of the group's search for a new LR president.

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